G3’s Founding Member, Marilee Kuhlmann, put the finishing touches on the West Basin MWD Carson Headquarters Ocean Friendly Garden in collaboration with California licensed landscape contractor, Clark & White Landscape. The WB Carson HQ Garden was started in July 2010 and only just finished September 2011 because of construction delays surrounding the installation of the brand new monument sign.
Many of the more mature plantings such as the Arbutus ‘Marina’ multi-trunk at the entry, the Platanus racemosa and the Arctostaphylos ‘Louis Edmonds’are coming into their own, spreading their limbs, and starting to demonstrate their inspired greatness.
This installation repeats the combination of Arctostaphylos and Ceanothus throughout the garden, whether in sun or shade, large and small. The result is a predominately evergreen garden, punctuated by strong architectural plants that bring wildlife into the most shadowy recesses of the parking lot. G3 enjoys its extensive collaboration with West Basin MWD whose staff and board have shown the courage of their convictions for conservation by investing in the two Ocean Friendly Demonstration Gardens at their main offices in El Segundo (Ed Little WRF), and Carson (Headquarters).