Ray at SEA Lab pulled G3’s Pamela Berstler aside to share his concerns about the quality of ocean water and to heartily endorse Surfrider Foundation’s Ocean Friendly Gardens and West Basin MWD’s Ocean Friendly Landscape Programs. According to Ray, 80% of ocean pollution is from land-based sources. He recommended enlisting the help of soil-based microbes to halt polluted runoff before it enters the ocean. Soil microbes are accustomed to dealing with land-based pollution, while the ocean and waterways simply don’t have the funding, bandwidth, or technology to clean it up. That’s why Ocean Friendly Gardens get Ray so electrified! He understands that everyone who implements an OFG in their own yard is taking a step toward healing the ocean and local waterways through CPR (Conservation, Permeability, and Retention). When it comes to rainwater and preventing pollution, be sure to practice Ray’s Mantra: SLOW IT! SPREAD IT! SINK IT! You can make a difference by being part of the solution, not the pollution.
Inspired by Ray, G3’s Pamela Berstler worked with Elise Goldman of West Basin MWD to teach a couple hands-on workshops at Redondo Beach/SEA Lab’s Earth Day Event. This mini OFG program demonstrated how to select plants that are climate-appropriate, group them for maximizing water conservation according to sun, shade, or other microclimate factors, and place them in the ground at the appropriate distance.
Other techniques included converting from a spray irrigation head to on-line drip tubing using 1 GPH pressure-compensating emitters, including adding mycorrhizae fun guys to the soil, planting correctly using sufficient water to wake up the soil party, and mulching heavily 3″ – 4″ total with the soil party pizza-equivalent: small-sized bark and shredded leaves.