In order to qualify for an Ocean Friendly Garden Yard Sign, the planting plan must include at least 10% local native plants. Most of the Ocean Friendly Demonstration Gardens are planted with 100% natives or close cultivars (as are available in the nursery trade).
Here in the Malibu Bluffs Park OFG, in order to demonstrate a lawn-like landscape alternative, we have included a meadow of Carex praegracilis (Dune sedge) and Vuplia microstachys (Small fescue), started from seed. Trees include Quercus agrifolia (California Live Oak), Platanus racemosa (California Sycamore), and Cercis occidentalis (Western Redbud). G3 WB OFG Malbu Plant List FINAL 031313
G3 Certified Professional, Sheri Powell of Compost Teana was engaged to spray the entire garden with compost tea, and add it directly to the roots of the trees. She brought her giant brewer/sprayer, Bruce, and drenched the garden.