Alameda Gets A Smart Landscape Without Stupa Tenuissima

What a joy to see that, after two years of visiting Alameda (near Oakland, CA), Cagwin & Dorward has finally gotten the green light to make the parkways truly Bay Friendly by removing the Nassella tenuissima, or as we call it, STUPA.  The next question is, “Where is that toxic weed going to be dumped?”  The photo of the guy tossing the grass into a truck is pretty satisfying, so here’s another one to share with your colleagues:

Remember that friends don’t let friends specify plants that are on an invasive species list or “Watch” list.  Your local native plant society usually has good information about plants that are thugs in the environment. For those of you in California, always run your plant list by

About Pamela Berstler

Thought-leader on the Watershed Approach to landscaping and the role gardens play in pushing back against climate change.