Watershed Approach Step One – Grow A Living Soil Sponge
The first and fundamental principle of implementing the Watershed Approach to landscaping requires that we grow a Living Soil Sponge in our landscapes. Building a Soil Sponge is critical to improving the water holding capacity [...]
G3 Green Water Zone Memo – January 2018
Download and read the entire memo here: G3 Green Water Memo A Case for “Green Water” Projects In Distributed Green Nature-Based Infrastructure Policies The following is a brief discussion of four landscape related concepts that G3 [...]
Stormwater Magazine Profiles Pamela Berstler
Stormwater Magazine's January-February 2018 issue profiles our CEO, Pamela Berstler.
Reversing Desertification Shows Living Soil Is KEY Factor In Environmental Health
Recently our CEO, Pamela Berstler, spoke in a meeting of Water Conservation Managers noting the paramount importance of educating about soil health in water conservation and pollution prevention. Pamela argued that building a healthy, biologically [...]
APLD Colorado Class Handouts
We're bringing the Watershed Approach to landscaping to Westminster, Colorado. Here are the class handouts. 20170315_APLD CO_Handouts 20170315_ APLD CO_Handouts_Six Elements
G3 LID Ventura Brochure
G3 was engaged by Ventura County Watershed Protection Division to create a Low Impact Design brochure highlighting Surfrider Foundation's Ocean Friendly Gardens principles of Conservation, Permeability and Retention. Read or download the brochure here: G3 [...]