Foothill Municipal Water District

Protecting the Trees

Watershed Wise landscaping is the model for creating resilient living spaces that thrive in Southern California.

It is no secret that trees are vital to the health of the planet, and even more so during this time of unprecedented drought. As we try to water our landscapes less, how can we prioritize trees? Foothill Municipal Water District has turned to the regenerative landscape professionals at G3-Green Gardens Group to lead this timely virtual workshop to share best practices in tree selection, planting, watering, and maintenance. They will also highlight how integral trees are to creating a resilient landscape.

You can register for other free webinars on landscaping and gardening HERE.


To register for a class, click on the EVENT listed below.

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Click on the image to view a PDF version of these Regional Watershed Wise Landscape Guidebooks.

Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Waterwise Gardens

CA Watershed Approach Handbook

Green Your Concrete Footprint

Green Your Concrete Footprint Urban Permeability

Inland Empire Landscapes Guidebook