MWD Class Evaluation 2024 Use this form to gather class evaluations at In - Person classes Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Agency Hosting Event*Which water provider is hosting today's event. West Basin & WRD Burbank WP, Foothill MWD, Glendale WP Long Beach City of South Pasadena Valley County Satisfaction with Class*How would you rate your overall satisfaction with this webinar? (On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the best) 1 not good 2 3 4 5 best Satisfaction with Instructor*Did the instructor clearly explain the principles and relevant details of this topic? (On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the best) 1 not good 2 3 4 5 best Level of Material Presented*Did the instructor clearly explain the principles and relevant details of this topic? (On a scale of 1-3, with 1 being too easy, 2 just right, 3 too hard) 1 (too easy) 2 (just right) 3 (too hard) Length of Presentation*Did the instructor clearly explain the principles and relevant details of this topic? (On a scale of 1-3, with 1 being too easy, 2 just right, 3 too hard) 1 (too short) 2 (just right) 3 (too long) Other Topics?*Which subject(s) would you want more time covering during the webinar? You can pick more than one. Landscape Design Plants Irrigation Rainwater Capture / Raingardens Firescaping Herbs and Vegetable Gardening Weed and Pest Management Protecting Your Trees Drought Resilient Lawncare Composting Next Steps*Which resources might help you move your project forward? You can pick more than one. None, I'm good More webinars on this topic Webinars on different topics Guidebook Hands on Workshops Working with a professional