About Us
We imagine resilient cities that are water and soil secure, with Watershed Wise landscapes, designed, built and managed by confident property owners and certified professionals who understand the connection each yard has to healing the global environment. We are dedicated to sparking and sustaining this landscape industry transformation.

Our Philosophy
The Watershed Approach uses rainwater as a resource, builds living soil “sponge gardens,” selects local, native plants, and carefully controls supplemental water.
Our People
Meet the professionals, program partners, supporters and volunteers who are part of the G3 team.
Our Work
G3 keeps you ahead of the curve. Our “mycorrhizal” organization makes us flexible, adaptive, and insistently improving. Collaboration is in our organizational DNA.Our Partners
You may call them clients. We call them Program Partners because they are more than clients; they are collaborators, friends and colleagues too. Their money and support make it possible for us to change behaviors, transform markets, and grow the blue/green workforce to ensure a thriving environment for future generations. Meet our Partners and learn more about the G3 Programs they empower.

Our Roots
Seven experienced landscape industry women founded G3, and the rest is HERSTORY.